Friday, January 21, 2011

I'd Rather be Crafting

I have been thinking about this sad excuse for a blog for some time now. I started a couple of different threads of different themes, fully intending that I was going to be able to keep up with it.

Truth be told, I would just much rather be crafting then writing!

November and December had me so busy with orders and personal crafting tasks that I barely had time to sit down, let alone blog. So, off the list it went.

I want to write a post about the far off places the HappyLittleMonkey can now be found- South America, Australia, New York City (compared to Tallahassee, NYC is a whole different place)! So, swing back by later for that one.

In the meantime, my brother has started a blog called "I. Am. Awesome." At the risk of being redundant, it's Awesome! If that word is not in your regular vocabulary, it should be. It can change your day. The premise is simple- start telling yourself that you are awesome for doing one of your normal, every day mundane duties (changing diapers, getting out of bed, doing the dishes). Next, start telling your friends they are awesome too. Then, just watch what happens.

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