It's time to get our walk on!
Each year since our first daughter was born, we have participated in the March for Babies. Here are our family pics before the walk:



This year's walk is just around the corner on April 30th.
Before Caroline was born early, we knew there was an organization called the March of Dimes (MOD), but we didn't really know a lot about what they did. We were busy doing other things and never imagined that our baby would be born early. Afterall, we were doing all the things we were supposed to do- prenatal care, doctor visits, eating properly, taking vitamins, etc.
When my water broke almost ten weeks early, we were scared to say the least. We benefitted first-hand from MOD research. One of the first things we received in the hospital was surfactant, a steroid to help her lungs develop. We were later told that the research on surfactant was done by MOD and one of the best tools doctors have to help give preemies a better chance by stimulating lung development.
By walking and getting our friends involved, we hope to help raise awareness of the MOD and their great work. We walk because we know about their work and that there are lots of other babies who need help too.
Early pics of our little monkey:

Her first bottle!
Each year our walk reminds us of how scared we were when she arrived early and how thankful we are for our rambunctious three and a half year old, even though sometimes she drives us crazy. We know we are lucky she is fine and will forever give some of that credit to the MOD for their work. Being a part of the March for Babies (MFB) helps us to show our appreciation for their work and all of the people who participated before us.
The event is also lots of fun. So, get your walking shoes on and come join us, sign up for your local walk, or if you can, please sponsor our team.

If you would like to sponsor our team, please click here to sponsor Team Caroline and Friends through the HappyLittleMonkey!