It has been a day in my world. Nothing major, just all the fun that goes along with the family being tired from a five-day trip paired with normal life stuff. As a result, the kids were in a "we-are-going-to-laugh-that-laugh-your-mom-hated-but-you-didn't-understand-why-until-you-became-a-mom" crazy laugh kindof mood that resulted in yogurt popsicle all over the backseat of my van and kids who couldn't do anything but cry when they weren't crazy laughing.
So, I am finding it slightly ironic at this moment that part of my distraction around them is that I am preparing to take my HappyLittleMonkey merchandise on the road for a market this weekend. The show happens to be called "Mom's Time Out Fall Market."
Could it be any more appropriate???
The first "Mom's Time Out" was held less than a year ago and it's amazing to see how this idea has grown. Less than a year ago, four moms-in-business sat down together to figure out a way to share their businesses with their friends. An idea to hold a little meet-n-greet turned into the first shopping event held in Tallahassee last December.
Each Mom's Time Out event is focused on giving mom a great reason to get out of the house and around other moms. With the belief that moms want to support each other, we have been working to bring moms-in-business together to support each other and to reach other local moms. Afterall, moms are busy people and we want to support each other but we just don't have the time to search.
The Mom-Owned Business Association collects mom-run and local businesses as members and keeps an easily accessible list online for moms to reference. We also help members to network with each other and share business information.
I feel so honored to have been one of the moms-in-business who first sat down together and planned the first Mom's Time Out.
Please join us this Sunday, October 2, for the third event we have planned, the Mom's Time Out Fall Market from noon- 4 pm at Earth Fare on Apalachee Parkway.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
I will also be at Merry Market on Saturday, October 15, and the Good Shepherd Arts and Crafts Show on Saturday, November 12. Please come see me and stay tuned for more information!