Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sundays are Fun-days

Over the last few months, we have been so crazy busy with the move and pregnancy and holidays and... and... and...that we have spent a lot of time together, but it wasn't necessarily time spent just enjoying ourselves. We have resolved to spend more quality time together just as a family. As a start, the past couple of Sunday afternoons have been spent at home with a laid back kindof feel. Two weekends ago, we made a big brunch, set the table all cutesy on the back porch, and just hung out together.  It was wonderful!

This past weekend, the kids and I set out to fill the new outside "toy box"with their favorite backyard belongings. Although this was a little bit "work," it was an activity we could do together and they were excited to have all of their toys together. Halfway through, my daughter started in on how hot it was outside and how they should be able to play with water! Water play in January, I have to be kidding, right?!? I wish I was kidding. However, it was hot.

The kids ran inside for their swimsuits and I collected the toy sink, old sandbox, and a random tote box.

They played for a good hour in the water. We had some old paintbrushes that they used to "draw" on the deck with water, too.  The tote box filled with water was the biggest hit. Afterall, why would a child play with the water sink or ladybug that are designed for children to play with outside when a $15 bucket is available???

Maybe the next time they ask for water play, I'll bring out the Water Pipes Set we put together last summer!

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